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  • 作家相片Ms.Pig

加拿大温哥华岛|Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, Ucluelet, Vancouver Island


Ucluelet, the very southwest edge on Vancouver Island, BC.

It names itself A Stress Free Zone.

Ucluelet Visitor Center is at the entrance of Peninsula Rd. very low-key. like it.

Its famous Wild Pacific Trail is along the forested coast cliff, with so many coves and hidden beaches.

Lighthouse Loop (the most scenic and popular loop among Wild Pacific Trail)

2.6 km

60 min

Level: easy

Hike close wise rom the parking lot. The ocean view is breath-taking. Photographer loves come during the sunrise and sunset. In the early morning, the ocean mist flats along the forest.

Do you feel any stress?


Well, it’s at the the edge of North America Plate, Pacific Plate and Juan de Foca Plate.

Here, quacks happen often.

An Alaska earthquake of M 9.2 in 1964 caused 4.2m waves and damaged the village nearby.

A local earthquake of M9 in 1700 caused Tsunami and destroyed the village in 20 min.😱

The Tsunami Evacuation Map is posted around the village and trails.

What will happen tonight?🤔

Stress free or Stressful?

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